Efficient lad
To guarantee maximum mobility, Bose has equipped the SoundLink with a Lithium-ion battery, resulting in up to eight hours of play time. With a fully charged battery the speaker can be used for roughly three hours on the maximum volume. This time increases drastically by lowering the volume or the bass through your audio device.

Checking the battery state is easy: just press the power-button for a moment. This causes the battery indicator to light up in three different colours: green, for 70% or more; yellow for 70% to 20% and red for when the battery is lower than 20%. In the last case, the speaker has to be plugged in. The battery indicator will then turn yellow and shut down in less than three hours.

The device also has a saving power plan that starts after a fortnight of disuse. This prevents the complete discharge of the battery. To start listening music again, the speakers have to be connect to a power source.

Do keep in mind that, compared to Bose’s SoundDocks, the SoundLink cannot recharge your iPod, iPad or iPhone. On the contrary, the Bluetooth technology demands a bit more battery. This can sometimes result in your iDevice quitting, instead of the SoundLink.

With the SoundLink, Bose has created another topper in its category. Not only design, but also quality of used materials, mobility and certainly sound quality for its size are very impressive. There’s a reason Bose has a 30 day trial, because after this short period, no one in their right mind would want to return theirs.

The final price of the Bose SoundLink wireless mobile speaker is either €299 or €349, depending on the chosen finish.

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